Sunday, February 23, 2014

A love letter

Dear husband, 

I knew that seeing you hold a tiny baby in your arms was going to make me love you even more. 

I knew that you were going to be a great dad. 

I knew that you two would probably get into trouble. 

But one smile would make me forgive you both. 

I knew that this would be hard at times. 

I knew there would also be some awesome moments. 

I knew that I wanted this child for us with my whole being. 

I knew that our son would love you from the moment he saw you. 

I knew that you would love him with the ferociousness of a lion. 

I didn't know though how much you would still love me. 

I didn't know that I would feel even more loved. 

I didn't know we would actually be better not worse. 

I didn't know that you could love me even more than you already had. 


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Get by with a little help from my friends

Julia always told me that one of her favorite Christmas songs was 'The Friendly Beasts.'
I, of course, being over zealous in my vast knowledge did not believe that such a song existed.  She then proceeded to have her choir perform it for me...more than once.  So I kind of have to admit that she is right (she always is, don't tell her I said that).

The phrase seems to have gained more meaning recently.  So here are some of Amos' furry friends that are always here helping out.

A Fox. Go ahead, sing the song.

A Deer Head.

An Extra Life.

One of those Deku Tree People.  #askjohncardoni #windwaker

A Puppy Dog.

A Real Puppy Dog.

That 'Little Birdie' my mom was always talking to.

A Hedgehog!

Wise Old Owl.

A Porcupine.

A Squirrel.

And the fuzzy pajamas he always wears that confess one of the greatest joys in life.  #moarhugs

Thursday, February 6, 2014

This is just awful.

A baby should not be the first choice if you're hoping to keep things bland, neat, and ugly.  Don't even bother.  Look at the stuff I see everyday.
This is just awful.

 And I have this woman to thank for it all.  She graciously puts up with all this cute crap.
All. Day. Long.
Thank you so much for enduring this fluffy squeaky stage of life.

I love this family.  Even though it is too cute to function.